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Chronic lack of hydration is something more and more women have to deal with as we get older. As we age, the skin is less able to maintain moisture, and age-related loss of moisture can cause more dryness over time.  Hyaluronic acid is the top ingredient to look for if you’re trying to treat super-thirsty skin. […]

Vitamin C a true hero for your skin.

You are one step closer to achieving a brighter, more youthful complexion. This powerful antioxidant provides huge benefits to your skin, Vitamin C is essential for a healthy body, and therefore essential for healthy skin and hair. It’s a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals, such as those found in environmental pollutants and after exposure to ultraviolet […]

What happens to your skin during menopause.

The average age for a woman in the UK to go into menopause is around 51/52, this is a natural part of aging where your estrogen levels will decline. It is estimated the first 5 years of your menopause you lose about 30% of your skins collagen, after that it still declines but more gradually. […]